Our goal is to support workers in the field who are going with the love of Jesus to share his life with those who don’t know him. and to actively participate in local outreach to the community around us to also share the life and love of Jesus, to bring them into a relationship with Jesus and to disciple them in following him.


Here at Chosen Church we place enormous value on connect groups. These are places we come together to learn more about God and each other.

It could be in someone’s home or on the back of a Harley! There is a group for YOU!


The Champion Project’s Is our community outreach program. It’s purpose is to help give Dignity, Identity and Purpose to people in our community.


YC Youth is the place to be on a Friday night for High school aged students!

It is our mission to encourage dignity, discover identity and chase purpose in this generation!

We believe God has a mission and a purpose for your life and our youth team works hard to build a generation seeking after God!

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